Calligo CMS
Please follow the steps below to create the Master document.
1. Open a Calligo Author session
2. Go to "File" on the toolbar and select "New Model Document"
3. Type in the chosen name for the form in the allocated field based on prescribed naming convention
4. Assign Description in the allocated field to delineate from other like forms
a. Never select :"Text Only section"
5. Click OK
Recommended: Set the Format margins to 0.5" in each corner of the page
The next step is to create the Section Properties to identify the indicator to represent the information source from which the data is going to be called as well as indicate the repository from which to pull the forms from
6. Go to "File" on the toolbar and select "Section Properties"
7. Select the Key Data tab
8. Select the NEW button to make the first entry and type the following into the allocated spaces
§ Name: vKeyValue
§ Type: String
§ Description: Used to pass the Policy ID to the form
9. Click OK
10. Repeat the same step as above for another entry using:
§ Name: DocGenerationDB
§ Type: String
§ Description: Used to determine what InfoSource to use
11. Click OK
Recommended: Assign heading (Form title and Creation Date) at the top of form proceeded by three asterisks (***) to comment out verbiage that is not supposed to show on the form. See next Section for Master Document components.
1.1 General Components Of A Master Documents
There is a general order in which master sections are organized, which is the following:
1. Define the arrays needed to extract data from the storage database based on specific positions assigned to each business variable defined as an index within the array. One or both of the following methods can be used.
a. Use a Calligo include command to call the print section that houses the array that is being called, i.e. printPolicy, printProposal, printQuote, etc. For further detail, see the following section: "Creating a Print Array Section Document"
b. Define the array and call in the specific variables needed from the corresponding table in the database. This array can either have all of the variables, as if it was being called using an Include statement, as described above, or only the subset of data that is going to be rendered on this particular form
2. Initialize the business variables to be printed that will need further transformation before being rendered on the section document, or the ones that will need placeholders because they have not been implemented yet
3. Use Calligo commands to create the desired conditions and formats under which the business variables should render[1] in the section document
4. Use an include statement to call the section document that is going to be populated with the array business variables and data initialized above
1.2 Local (Unit) Testing The Master Document
In order to view ensure that the master document was properly created, it is necessary to compile the document. There are two ways of doing this, one of which will compile and show any errors that have occurred, and the other which will compile and also generate the resulting document with the errors. The first method consists of clicking on the "white sprocket"-like icon and the latter, the blue sprocket. The second method is only active and can only be used when the Master document is the currently active window. To compile the document, see below:
1. Click on the COMPILE (white sprocket) icon on the toolbar to compile the form
2. When prompted to save, assign the appropriate name to the form
3. Notice the .CDS suffix for the Section document
4. Click SAVE
a. Notice the entry that has appeared in the left column channel of the Author
b. Notice the process status message created by the Author in the bottom channel.
5. To assemble and view the results of the created document, click on the GENERATE NEW DOCUMENT (blue sprocket) icon on the Author toolbar
a. Calligo Assembly should open to reveal the results of the document created
b. The bottom channel of Assembly will reveal the types of errors that have occurred during the forms generation process
6. When this is complete, go to "File" on the main toolbar and select "Close Model Document"
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